Transforming Mountaintop into a vital destination and resource is a key element of Lehigh’s Strategy, Inspiring the Future Makers . Accomplishing this aim will require actions of many scales and types – including, in the near term, one-time or recurring events that help build community, generate activity and enhance Mountaintop identity. We are seeking applications for Future Maker grants for up to $10,000 to fund activities that advance these aims. We expect to award three one-time, non-renewable grants.

We invite all Lehigh faculty, staff and students – individually or in groups – to apply through InfoReady, Lehigh's internal competition grant portal.


Applications will be accepted through December 6, 2024, and reviews will begin at that time. Awards will be announced in January 2025. Funds must be spent, and events must occur in calendar year 2025.


Lehigh University faculty, staff and students – individually or in groups -- are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Submission Details

Submit a document of no more than two pages through InfoReady.

Proposals should focus on one or both of the following:

  • An event. Events can be academic and/or community-building, one-time or recurring. (Note, however, that grants are one-time only, must be spent within 2025, and are not renewable.)
  • A temporary installation. “Pop up” installations, depending on their nature, can be in place for up to three months.

Proposals should include:

  • A description of individuals/organizations/departments/offices/centers involved in the project.
  • A description of what actions are proposed, and how these would generate activity and contribute to the Mountaintop as a vital destination and key component of the Lehigh identity.
  • A statement indicating how you would define and measure the success of your project.
  • An itemized budget, including a description of how the requested funding would be used, and for temporary installations, include the cost of removal.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be assessed based on several criteria, including:

  • Will the proposed project enhance Mountaintop as a vital destination and key component of Lehigh identity?
  • What are the “ripple effects” and broader impact of the project? (Your proposal should note, for example, any media attention or reputational impact, or if the project addresses any Key Initiatives of Inspiring the Future Makers in addition to Transforming Mountaintop.)
  • Is the scale and scope of the project feasible given the resources and timeline provided?
  • What collaborations, if any, are you planning to include in your project? Collaboration with programs based at Mountaintop (Art, Architecture and Design; College of Education; Biological Sciences; Computer Science and Engineering; ATLSS; Energy Resource Center; Ben Franklin Tech Ventures; ROTC; etc.) is encouraged but not required.