Task Statement: Lehigh will use innovation and technology to empower members of the Lehigh community to create positive, personalized user-focused experiences for others. Using principles of operational excellence and digital transformation, will make process and system improvements with an eye toward efficiency, resource optimization, enhanced user experience, and improved outcomes.
Lead: Greg Reihman
Project Manager: Pat Mann
Submit an Opportunity for Improvement Proposal
Initiative Team(s) / Advisory Group(s):
Organization of the Future Leadership Council: Greg Reihman, Vice Provost Library and Technology Services (convener); Nathan Urban, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Chris Cook, Interim Vice President Finance and Administration; Mark Erickson, Interim Vice President Strategic Planning and Initiatives; Peter Zeitler, Professor and Faculty Senate Representative.
Organization of the Future Process, Operational and Systems Improvement Team: Lucy Bowen, Director of Administration Provost's Office (co-chair); Ilena Key, Chief Technology Officer Library and Technology Services (co-chair); Michael Dills-Allen, University Registrar-Registrar's Office; Jane Altemose, Director Purchasing Services; Greg Ferguson, Professor and Department Chair Representative; Chris Halladay, Associate Vice President Human Resources; Mark Ironside, Associate Vice President Auxiliary Services; Warren Loller, Director Budget Office.
LTS Operational Teams; In-house UX and DX expertise; and University Business Services.
Important Organizational Infrastructure: Faculty and Student Senates; Employee Relations Advisory Committee; LTS Faculty Advisory Committee; Student Senate Facilities and Services Committee; Data Governance Executive Committee; and Data Governance and Standards Committee.
Years 1-3 Anticipated Actions:
- Take quick actions to address known opportunities, starting with those discovered during the Strategic Planning process.
- Engage faculty, staff, and students in a continuous process of discovering opportunities for improvement, and empower individuals to make changes that improve local processes
- Identify opportunities for upgrades or replacements to outdated or inefficient core campus systems and operations.
- Develop a methodology to assess effectiveness of change, and track progress we are making.
- Make recommendations to senior leadership on Year 2-5 staffing and technology needs.
Resources: Project Management (contact Nikki Rump to attend Lehigh's project management training)
See the list of projects in the queue and underway that support the Organization of the Future initiative.
See the completed work related to this initiative.