Task Statement: Lehigh will foster interdisciplinary research across teams and colleges with the goal of doubling research activity over the next 10 years.
Lead: Anand Jagota
Project Manager: Ainsley Lamberton
Initiative Team(s) / Advisory Group(s): Three study groups of five members each, including an external expert in each. These study groups will evaluate the white papers and help us to make recommendations.
Important Organizational Infrastructure: Research Advisory Council
Years 1-3 Anticipated Actions:
- Stand up three university interdisciplinary research centers . To do so, ideas were solicited and went through a process to determine which are viable, evaluating all activity and resources needed for success, including input from outside Lehigh, and senior leadership was provided with the most vetted options.
- Keep the intellectual landscape fertile, simultaneously supporting the work of the centers while using the internal grants program to harvest new, exciting research ideas and teams.
Resources: Strategic Investments in Research webpage
See the completed projects related to this initiative.