The Deputy Provost for Graduate Education is pleased to announce a process to request funds for small initiatives related to three areas aligned with the Strategic Initiative, Enhancing Graduate and Lifelong Learning. 

The first is for Marketing Support of Existing Graduate Programs, including graduate fair registrations, funds for asset development, digital media, and related costs.
Funding: Supported up to $15,000; max of 6 awards.
For more information, and to submit a proposal, visit InfoReady.

The second is related to New Graduate Program Ideation and Development that falls outside of the scope of other University calls for proposals, and would include things like funds for supporting retreats related to graduate program development.
Funding: Supported up to $15,000; max of 3 awards.
For more information, and to submit a proposal, visit InfoReady.

The third is related to Online Program Support and New Online Program Development, and would include costs of technical staffing, course instructional design, and other costs related to bringing a best-in-class program into an online environment.
Funding: Supported up to $30,000; max of 5 awards.
For more information, and to submit a proposal, visit InfoReady.

Note that receipt of any funding related to these initiatives is not a promise of future support nor a way to supplement existing efforts. This mechanism is to support early stage experimentation and ideation only. Any ongoing support would be at the discretion of relevant Dean(s) or Unit Head(s) and subject to the same rules and procedures associated with all academic work at Lehigh.