Task Statement: Mountaintop Campus will be a vibrant space that supports the key goals of the strategic plan by supporting research growth, innovative pedagogy, and community-building.

LeadNancy Rogo Trainer

Project Manager: Ruth Traldi

Initiative Team(s) / Advisory Group(s): Ad hoc committees of existing Mountaintop users.

Important Organizational Infrastructure:  Space Planning Committee, and Capital Projects Group.

Years 1-3 Anticipated Actions:

  • Create a definition of success that is  both inspirational and pragmatic. Identify programmatic themes related to Lehigh strengths, opportunities for strategic partnerships, and the unique characteristics of the site.
  • Make near term improvements to support programs and people already on Mountaintop, and make it easier and more attractive for others to use the Mountaintop campus.
  • Assess and plan for prerequisites for implementation -- including transportation, utility infrastructure, organizational structure, and environmental management.
  • Make, and begin executing, a flexible plan for implementation -- including programming and reusing existing buildings and landscapes, building key partnerships, and creating the necessary infrastructure to support early increments of a long-term vision. 

See the completed work related to this initiative.