Our Mission
Lehigh’s Office of Strategic Planning and Initiatives directs all aspects of the 2023 Strategic Plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, including implementation of the plan, measuring plan progress, and working with University leadership to connect all unit-level strategic plans to the institutional plan. The office also leads and supports other institutional efforts that have a broad and strategic impact across the university, and lends counsel and hands-on support to major university-wide projects.
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Latest News
Lehigh’s Future Makers Grants Spark Innovation Across Disciplines
A year after the inaugural Future Makers grants were awarded, they are igniting creativity and driving impactful change across campus.
President Video Message: A Strong Start to the Spring Semester
A message sent to members of the Lehigh campus community.
Lehigh Rings in New Year with New Summit Exploring Generative AI
Lehigh faculty and staff gathered at Iacocca Hall on January 9 for the inaugural AI@Lehigh Summit.
Lehigh University Announces Two New Research Centers to Address Community Health, Energy Systems
The Center for Community-Driven Assistive Technologies (CDAT) will explore novel ways to improve the lives of people with disabilities, while the Center for Advancing Community Electrification Solutions (ACES) will focus on creating efficient, reliable and self-sustaining energy systems.
Revitalized Clayton University Center To Open Ahead of Schedule in January 2025
The renovated building will include a variety of new dining options and spaces designed for community members to gather to collaborate, study and socialize